Tomorrow at 2:30 pm ET, ESPN will air an exclusive interview of Greg Hardy the notoriously hated defensive end conducted by Adam Schfter. an excerpt of a preview that will be airing today was released. A couple things here. One shocking, another not so much. In the not shocking news column, Greg Hardy is doing an interview while everyone still hates him. The news of the alleged abuse he dished out to his girlfriend (don't know if they are still dating) is still fresh in the public's mind. So here again comes another bad move by Greg Hardy. He had those weird comments about Brady and Gisele. Then I think he said other odd things in a locker room interview. Now an exclusive interview with a network ready to murder to gain total trust back from its audience. Just bad choice after bad choice. Whoever is Hardys publicist is dumb. Would it surprise anyone if his publicist was a cousin, brother, or just Hardy himself. He seems so lost in space that it may be impossible for him to stick his head down and be quiet. Does he really think the people of this country will follow the steps of our ineffective judicial system? He shouldn't, coming out on television and simply saying you did not do something, especially this long after it happened, will change three peoples minds. No one else cares, and if anything they will believe even more that you did what you are denying. Your a bad dude, its not a big deal. Not everyone can be an awesome person like Juilian Edelmen, or Greg Olsen, or Leo Dicaprio. Hardy, your just a rotten shitty person. You know it, I know it. Stop pretending, and stop talking. Football needs shitty people like you, we need perspective. Look at Marvin Harrison, supposedly one of the best receivers. Dude was a complete cock, straight murked people, and shot at some fat dude one time. Go to 3:31. You never heard about that guy until after Harrison was done playing the game. Other thing I wanted to get to is Schefty? ESPN really put Schefty up to interview Hardy? The guy is a cuddly care bear. Either his peers at ESPN had enough of his small man complex and just passed this one off to him or this is blatant attempt to execute Schefty on live TV by the Executives. It is hard to imagine anyone getting along with this guy. ESPN has had enough of this guy. He is a off camera hot take machine, and no one not even the catering guy likes walking into work to get yelled at by a hobbit because the cream cheese is not low fat. Why would he even agree to this? He knows ESPN is going to ask Hardy pressing questions, he knows that Greg Hardy is a violent gun owner, and he knows that Hardy could swallow him whole and still have space for some pie and a protein shake. What he doesnt know is thats what his bosses are counting on. Schefty probably thought he would have a full security enclave to back him up, but nah ESPN got him the guy who helped pry Chris Everret off Jim Rome. I'm just surprised Hardy didnt kill em. Maybe he did and this is another huge cover up by ESPN and tomorrow they will reveal Scheftys untimely demise right before the interview. They will probably show a sappy segment of all the times Schefty was an annoying dick head and we will all have a cry and a laugh. Cheers, to ESPN bringing back feudal law into the workplace and to a poorly planned interview set to air tomorrow 2:30 ET. Don't miss it.
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