a blog by La Kifo Earlier today CNET reported that our president Barrack in case you forgot, has allegedly decided not to publicly support legislation of the anti-encryption bill. This bill may be something you are familiar with. It is the piece of legislation the internet has been clamoring over. If passed this bill would mean that courts could force tech companies to help law enforcement crack open otherwise secret data and communications.
That does not sound so bad, but it is the principle that it represents. It basically gives the government the ability to infiltrate any and all online presence we have. For example, the big battle between the FBI and Apple is based on this legislation. If the bill were passed, it would have meant that Apple would have legally had to help the FBI unlock the phone of the San Bernardino terrorist. Think about this scenario... Our government would not only have its departments like the NSA to monitor all communication, but now the FBI and all government agencies would have the impeachable privilege to access any and all communication or data on the internet. They proposed this bill as a fallout from the Apple dispute. They say they want to protect the citizens but at what cost? Another facet of our freedom? It increasingly feels as if freedoms are shrinking and precautions have increased. All in the name of safety and anti-terrorism. The point of terrorism is to disrupt, change, destroy a way of life. At least this modern terrorism. The government would like to think they are winning, that these new laws and proposals will defeat terrorism. That is where they are dead wrong. This is what the terrorists want. They want us to be divided, they want to draw a line in the sand and they think that once we draw that line we will find ourselves on their side. It is working. Organizations like Anonymous would not exist if wasn't for the war on terror. We dont need anti privacy laws. We need to educate our citizens. So that the younger generations feel connected to each other instead of divided into groups. We all are one people no matter race, religion, skin color. So lets start acting that way. Comments are closed.
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April 2018