a blog by Big Red
A high school girl tweeted that she had just graduated with a brutal GPA, and absolutely no achievements. The internet went crazy over this, simply because she made high school seem like a joke. I'd like to call her my new hero.
AMEN! I love this girl so much, and for all I know she could be one of the most annoying people on the planet. This girl is so god damn right it's not even funny. Let me tell you guys a little story about myself.
In high school, I was the BIGGEST douche you'll ever meet. I was overweight, and one of the biggest drug users around. I was a drug dealer at one point, and a pretty shitty kid to associate with. In fact I was well known for literally having my heart stop because I drank too much on my way to a party. I was a bully, an asshole to girls, and every teacher hated my guts. I never tried in a single class, almost never did a homework assignment, and showed up late every single day. I even would cut classes, and would often leave classes just to go burn a few bowls in the parking lot with my buddies. Not to mention I was suspended 4 times... Anyways, I finished high school with 1.96 GPA and not a single college wanted me. Thank god I was a somewhat talented lacrosse player because I was given the chance to attend a few different prep schools for free. Seriously though, if you were to come across any kid from Medfield High School's class of 2013 they could tell you everyone thought I was going no where in life. Well, to make a long story short, in prep school I maintained a 4.0 GPA, making me the number two student in the entire school. I was a two sport captain (basketball and lacrosse). I lost all the extra weight, and I was lucky enough to have a pretty decent option of colleges to choose from. Oh and I now co own an amazing blog that thousands of people read. To this day, people from my town will bump into me and be amazed at what a turn around I had. Even though the whole time I knew I was capable of it in high school, I simply didn't care because HIGH SCHOOL DOESN'T MATTER! Black Pat, one of our music bloggers on our VIBES page has a pretty similar story to me. We actually met in prep school when we were both doing Post Graduate years of high school. While he wasn't quite as big of a shit head as I was, he was not that far off. Now he's killing the game in college, and I'm confident he will be a big success once we graduate Endicott together. Now I know, not every kid is as fortunate as I was to be given a second chance in prep school, and I'll never take it for granted. However there are so many other options, like community college or working at a GAP year program in a city. This girl is absolutely right, and good for her. While I would never want to teach kids to not try in high school, you don't have to take it as serious as you think. If this girl pushes herself in a community college, she will be able to transfer to any school she wants. While you'll see random kids from high school who had good GPA's who will overcome to the pressures of college and drop out. I really hope this girl does well for herself, and can shove it in everyone's faces. Who knows maybe she'll get lucky and marry a rich guy and not even have to go to school ever again. The world works in mysterious ways, and you never know whats going to happen to someone when they enter the real world. Some of the brightest and most popular kids in high school end up being lame gym teachers and talking about themselves in high school for years to come... Comments are closed.
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