a blog by La Kifo You could say, I am jumping on a sinking ship but not really. I've been surrounded by the story constantly and now it has started to spread seeds across the sporting world. What do I mean by that? I mean this. So were seriously going to do this now? You know what I am disgusted with? I am disgusted with the lack of intelligence garnered but professional athletes who were forced to attend college for at least two years. Football players are forced to play two college years before they are eligible to be drafted into the NFL, I have no clue how soccer works but after a quick Wikipedia search, I've concluded that yes, Meghan Rapinoe did go to college. If you can't see the stupidity here, it might be because I haven't laid it out yet or simply because you are simple. Let's give you some credit, you're not simple, you're a smart person. Meghan Rapinoe professional womens soccer player is now protesting the protest against Colin Kaepernicks protest. That one'll twist your tongue into oblivion. She is kneeling during the national anthem because of the 'hatred' pouring towards Colin Kaepernicks protest of kneeling/sitting during the national anthem. I'm a little light headed right now. So this all started because, I don't know let me guess, Colin Kaepernick sucks, his afro clogged his ears and he couldn't tell the national anthem was playing. Instead of getting up like everyone else around him, he thought 'fuck it, I'm going to be sitting all game anyway'. No? That wasn't actually what happened? How do we know that? How do we know that this is not some large scale cover up that has blown in his face like a faulty grenade? How do we know that my story is the correct one? He could have been practicing sitting for the regular season. I mean, what is preseason football other than one large dress rehearsal? All I'm saying is this has gone way too far. We got other high paid athletes protesting our national anthem in support of another high paid athlete protesting our national anthem for police violence. This is insane, we have evolved past the point of human development where now we protest the backlash of other protests. Meghan Rapinoe and Colin Kaepernick have to either be Crab people or Reptilians because this shit stems way too far down for it not to be a conspiracy. And when you stem far enough down, what do you run into? Either Crab people or Reptilians living deep inside the earth. If Obama and Beyonce are Reptilians, then I wouldn't be surprised if Colin Kaepernick was one too. To clear the air, I would be surprised if Meghan Rapinoe turned out to be a Reptilian. Because of obvious reasons. She is apart of the Crab people. Comments are closed.
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April 2018