If you saw the facetime video of Gronk doing the weather report you had to know this was coming. By far the best Gronk moment caught on tape. The dude just loves to win football games and 69, what can you say. almost forgot about this one, priceless.
Even if you are a loser and hate the Patriots, you can not hate Gronk. It's like hating a child who loves life, hating that kid says more about your pathetic life then it does about a human being who from time to time shits him or herself. The end of the video when he unleashes the timeless line, he has that awkward pause that anyone who has ever taken a language class knows all too well. "Quelle est votre couleur préférée, Brian?" "Uh.... J... J.. J'ai bleu." google translate that, unless your French and you already gave up figuring out what that means. Comments are closed.
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April 2018