a blog by Kifo
Does anyone remember Tim Tebow kneeling? Because it wasn't disrespectful then, as a matter of fact, his kneeling was praised like the work of god.
Let me explain a few things to you. Due to my demographics age, it seems as if I need to explain what a Tim Tebow is. A Tim Tebow is one of those nerds on the playground, snot nosed, the type of nerd that has the teacher chaperone force you other kids to include him, in the recess basketball game. That diaper wearing nerd tries very hard, he seems to be attempting to make plays but rarely, if ever, does he. You want to hate him, but if you do, a castration would be calling your name directly from your local school nurses office.
Tim Tebow's go to celly is and was the kneel.
What a fuckin loser. What an outrage. What a pride-less sack of skin and perfect jaw line. How dare he.
All this kneeling, it is very offensive to me. It is disgusting frankly.
Ignore the Faahgooze talking over the video.
Just look at that. A bunch of people, I don't know or ever will or ever understand, kneeling. Not to mention, these guys are doing it in London. Do you have to be brainless to play in the NFL? Do you guys want the British to reclaim the greatest colony they lost? Some of strongest individuals, sitting down, letting our longest running rival know that we are weak, surprisingly, is not the worst aspect of this gutless act.
I didn't want to reveal this too soon, but it looks like I have no other choice. If you enhance this photo, specifically, enhance the brightness and exposure of the face on this demon it will show you a shocking depiction.
One that I have successfully hid, for a long time now, but the truth is always the best.
Shocking, I know.
What is even more shocking? The Hypocrisy of this situation.
***quote taken from: Bleacher Report ***
'"We cannot in any way give the implication that we
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