Put this on in the background for the best #positivevibesonly experience So This will be short, ye I know I said that a bunch of times on this blog day. Today was a downer day for me. I did not notice it until I scrolled through my headlines today. Not intentional, the stories I found today riled me up. That is what this blog is for. Throw a changeup and keep the day on a even keel. Ya know maybe I should have found a story before I started to write this blog. But this is #positivevibesonly. I am not gonna let some large aspect of this blog bring down my #positivevibesonly. Not a #safespace feel free to attack at will, cuz that is what #positivevibesonly is all about. Nothing can bring down #positivevibesonly, nothing at all. It does not need a fake insecure wall to protect it, it protects itself. This is positive. People getting along. You what would have been more positive? Just a inspiring photo. It gives us hope that we can build a new world from the one we live in today! Truly nothing more positive than such a image. It is powerful, provokative, maybe even a little sexual. Its definetly sexual. It is so empowering and inspiring that it gives you a little sexually positive arousal. I just want to jump right inside that scene. There is nothing more positive than sunsets and waves. This is the perfect #positivevibesonly photo. Hopefully I timed that right and the music finished before this video. In some seriousness this was a fucking awesome video. I know that there are a million of these videos. But i am not talking about the act of giving the guy all that stuff and the money to go see a movie and food. Actually, you know what, it is #positivevibesonly. Fuck what I just said. These guys are fucking awesome. What they did for this guy and seemingly for a lot of other people is great. Not only did they stop by and give him stuff that will make his day to day a lot easier and better but they stopped, talked to him, listened to his story. I bet the best part of that for Albert was the realization that people care. And I hope he recognizes it as that. These bros listened and cared enough after just meeting this guy to give Albert even more then supplies. He gave Albert the ability to feel apart of society. I know that is what happens to a lot of homeless people and it sucks. To be in the middle of everything happening but at the same time the complete outside.
One more #positivevibesonly story and I think we can call it day in the balancing of the force. http://www.nbc12.com/clip/12309829/a-henrico-teacher-reaches-out-to-12-on-your-side-looking-for-a-good-samaritan_ Comments are closed.
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