a blog by La Kifo
We are possibly witnessing the greatest public collapse of all time. I don't think Charlie Sheens lasted this long.
In a downtrodden year for the 23 year old quarterback that saw him get cut from the Browns, caught lying on camera, his agent tell him he needs help, his family tell him he needs help, now Nike drops him. Its like the sky is falling for this dude but he feels fine. Hes gonna keep clubbin 5-7 days a week, that part of his video was not a lie. Hes gonna go to fake rehab, hes gonna do whatever he wants because its his world and everyone else is just living in it.
This should bring him back to reality. Its no longer his friends and family who aint fucking him no more. Now it is the gravy train, that sauce, the cash well it is drying up. In a couple years he might be homeless chillin outside the clubs begging people for change.
It is just a sad story that so many people saw coming. What, are you not going to show up drunk to practice when you play in Cleveland? Back in the day people would be lining up the door to sign a player who was talented and drank like a fish. The only problem is he doesnt have talent. His skills wont translate anymore and he has zero percent chance to make it the NFL. His best case scenario is a good back up for the rest of his career.
After all that this dude has put people through, I cant understand why it took Nike so long to drop him. Nevermind the fact that he sucks, every time he has been on the field has been bad. He didnt even know his own playbook. ![]()
I forgot that Nike sponsored shitty players. They inked the deal with Manziel in 2014. Possibly before anyone really knew he sucked. Still have a little foresight Nike. All in all, this must have not really hurt them. Manziel probably still brought in some business and now people will give Nike credit for literally being the last person to give up on him. PR 101.
I cant decide whether I want this dramatic personal and public collapse to keep going or stop. Comments are closed.
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April 2018