a blog by Big Red Possibly the most expensive car crash of all time. Video attached in the blog. So there was a car show this past weekend in Virginia. And a woman driving a Mercedes 380 SL reversed over a very rare 300,000 dollar Ferrari 458 Speciale. Talk about a big mistake. The woman attempted to rev her engine in the hopes of dislodging the two cars. However, by revving the engine she only managed to make the scratch on the Ferrari even larger. While the damage to both cars was very limited, this still has to be one of the most ridiculous car accidents in the history of man kind.
HOW THE FUCK DO YOU REVERSE OVER A CAR? Was this woman flooring the car while in reverse? I've seen a lot of dumb accidents in my time, but nothing like this. You think the one place you would try and drive the safest is at an expensive ass car show because everywhere you look there's a 80k+ car next to you. But no, this woman probably didn't even look in her mirrors. The driver of the Ferrari was quoted saying "Are you fucking serious? That is the dumbest thing I've ever seen". And he's absolutely right. Fuck this woman, she deserves to have her license taken away. Comments are closed.
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