a blog by La Kifo
A few days ago, Mark Cuban announced he would interested in becoming Hillary Clintons VP, that stands for vice president.
At first I expected myself to hate this move. I thought I would have had to trash Cuban for this idea. But as I thought about it, I realized I hate it for nearly one million reasons.
Reason Number One: If Mark Cuban was in anyway involved in politics, I would have to think that he would no longer be able to apart of Shark Tank. Shark Tank is what introduced most of us, including myself, to the Cubster. It is also, what made me love him. The brutish look in his eyes, and the soul probing stare. Those are the things I like about Cuban. As well as his propensity to say whatever the fuck he wants. If the Cubemiester was in politics, those things would cease to exist. I don't think they allow vice presidents to be hosts on television. Reason Number Two: This is built off of the first reason, Cuban would no longer be able to shit on Skip Bayless's existence.
Sometimes, or all the time, we need someone to call out Skip Bayless and the other troll clowns of the world on their bullshit. Which happens to be something forbidden to Vice Presidents. Who was the last Vice President to shit on Skip Bayless? Answer: there was never one.
Reason Number Three: My third and final reason, if Cuban is going to be involved in politics then why waste him on a position so meaningless that it gave Joe Biden back ten years of his life. ![]()
If Cuban is going to be a politician, why not make him the President? I already like him a million times better than whoever is running right now.
We need someone ruthless, and savage enough to steal other countries ideas and turn them into billions on billions of dollars. Mark Cuban is that man, so instead of hide him behind a curtain, let's toss him out for the world to see. Cuban 2016. PS. Sorry Ted, we're through... Comments are closed.
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April 2018