I saw a couple of things on Barstool recently that have troubled me. It turns out people on TV and Movies are grubby attention whores. I hear a lot of "celebrities" speak as if they have a 10 carrot gold nugget stuck up their ass. Two specific stories about two entirely different people has kinda got me riled up. Cuba Gooding Jr., Rhonda Rhousey. Apparently playing OJ Simpson on the Kardashian take of the OJ Simpson trial, Gooding Jr. took weeks to get out of the funk the role put him into. I haven't read a story on it, I literally just saw the headline on Barstool. Like I don't need to read anything about it. Let me guess, Cuba is method actor, which apparently everyone is. He dug himself deep into a pit of sorrow and lowliness to harness his inner OJ. Oh such a true artist at work. Painting a visual masterpiece in front of our eyes. Oh thank you Cuba Gooding Jr. for asking so much of yourself, for going further then you are contractually obligated. Who the fuck do you think you are? Your seriously going to do this Cuba Gooding Jr.? I mean, I didn't mind FX marketing the fuck out of whatever they want to call it, long shot of meaningless scene dramatic camera work and music. Probably the best directing and acting associated with the thing and the only actor in it was a dog. Don't fucking tell me you were in a bad place after shooting that piece of shit. Cuba, Bro, You Were Fucking Terrible. I was in a terrible place after I watched it. I can see when you work with that guy from friends, gauging how well you are actually doing may be extremely fucking hard. And Mr. Nip/Tuck Vincent Vega sure as hell makes it even harder. Everything involved in this production has been fucking awful. You specifically Cuba Gooding Jr. are awful in it. So I don't wanna hear about your artistic process. There a hundreds of actors who can do the same shit you've done not much better and not much worse, not only that but year after year the amount of emerging "actors" grows and grows as liberal arts college graduates skyrocket. No being high and mighty while your still standing. Someone needs to bite this bitches ear and show him whose the leader of the pack. Snow Dogs. Yea. Now Rhonda Rhousey. The only reason I'm saying this is because I believe what she is saying is bullshit. In an interview Rhousey stated that after being knocked out by Holy Holm she contemplated suicide. I love UFC and Boxing, not really a huge fan because I don't feel like paying out the ass every time there MIGHT be a decent fight. But I have watched and been around it off to understand some fundamentals and some strategy. But UFC has got me by the balls, the big ticket cards I can never get right. The past maybe 3 or 4 Connor Mcgregor fights all I had been doing was talking mad shit about Mcgregor how he is a boxer, he can't wrestle, once someone forces him off his feet he loses, overrated, he's gonna definitely lose this one, you know all the basics. Every single fight Mcgregor has toasted people with his left hand just leaving me jaw on my lap while everyone laughs. I did the same shit with Rhonda Rhousey talked big shit about her fight with the big mexican chick and most of the others. I don't think I watched more then 2 of her fights but I still always found ways to dump on her chest in casual conversation. Finally came Holy Holm and I decided to change. I believed in Rhonda Rhousey and she proceeded to take a dump on my chest. Absolutely destroyed. That is the shit I live for, the dethroning of the social medias bandwagon. It's great, ESPN and anyone who was shining her shoes with the shit they were spraying were now eating socks because of days maybe weeks of embarrassingly stupid sound bits and takes on their shiny turd pile of the week. She got beat so bad, everyone, literally everyone is on Holy Holm. I don't think Rhousey can ever beat Holm. Especially after those near psycho comments she made. It was something to the effect of I wanted to kill myself but then I realized that I have an obligation as a women to bear the children of my women battering husband. Sorry bitch the lime light was on you and it was on you hard, hard As Fuck. Only your accountant really knows how much your ten seconds of fame made you but I inquire that it is a lot, a whole fucking lot. So don't do this shit. What your speaking about is called adversity, and from the sounds of it you've never faced real adversity before. Maybe a little bit of shame too. Holy Holm is 34, she was and still is undefeated at 10-0, she ain't no scrub, and your game plan was box the former professional boxer? You got big time and thought you were invincible. Reality is Holm is a way better boxer as soon as the bell rung you could see it in the footwork. Then Holm just tee'd off on her face just blow after blow. Rhousey landed maybe 4 significant punches but Holm dodged a huge percentage of the punches Rhousey threw. No matter how bad she got beaten, it is not such a horrifically terribly thing. Shit happens, not everyone can sit on the brightest stages time and time again it's hard to stay to on top. Just because you fall down doesn't mean you can't get back up. Her life will still be comfortable, she will still get at least a couple more shots at her formal title. It's not that bad. Don't give us this bullshit, your so dedicated to it that losing is just so terrible. That's not fucking true, if you were so dedicated you would have went into that fight with an ability to play defense, if you were dedicated you wouldn't have gotten your ass handed to you. I'm not even gonna get into the second part of what she said, I've already said too much, I wrote way more about Rhousey then I did about Cuba Gooding Jr.. I know sports, I do not know anything about acting. I am sure it actors would think it is just as hard as being a professional athlete. Comments are closed.
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