a blog by La Kifo
The 22nd overall pick of the 2014 NFL draft is annoying, whether he is drinking or not, he just won't stop walking into the cameras. The infatuation we have for Athletes, especially ones on a downward spiral, has kept him in the public eye but we would all be much happier if he just went away.
I don't know about you, but I find a lot of this pretty annoying. The dude lies all the time, he's been pretending to be on this huge comeback tour for like how many months? 4 months ago. Ever since he got cut, it's been all about "playing ball" and getting back to the league.
He keeps saying he's been training, but every time the camera catches a glimpse of his frame, he looks as if he is a couple weeks away from a rehab stint. No NFL team wants a guy who showed up drunk for practice, has T-Rex arms and chicken legs. Even when he was in football shape, he had trouble getting the ball deep down the field and accurately placing the ball. He makes himself out to be this great talent, in reality he needed a lot of work coming out of college and now he needs even more. A comeback at this point is next to impossible. I'm willing to bet nearly anything that Johnny will never make his way onto a NFL team again. Comments are closed.
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April 2018