a blog by Kifo I am usually not one to poke at a thin protective layer which separates myself from an airborne contamination. Or am I? I don't really remember. To mediate this blog, the pigs use the web hosting service, Weebly. On a typical blog day, I leave the complaining to other people. My opinions are well stated but, this is not a typical blog day. This has not been a typical blog week. I have been attacked, attacked at the very seat I sit in. A few days ago, as I logged in to write a blog for the upcoming week, I noticed this; If you can't read that, zoom in. Zoom in is ctrl + the scroll dial on your mouse (for PC), command + scroll dial (for Mac). If you don't have a mouse then you are fucked. Well, I saw this and was thrown by the language. So, I clicked on the terms of service. This is what I found; I read this and wondered, what fucking moron hired a 22 year old Social Justice Warrior to the Weebly legal team?
I consider this, "update", to their, "terms of service", a direct and premeditated attack on your number one boy, Kifo. Since when do web hosting services now have the right to tell me what I can and can't say on my domain? Since when does a business, that operates in the United States, have the power to subvert the constitution? Since when are these fucking idiots winning? Alex Jones told me we were winning, and I don't think that man would ever lie. Don't those fucking pieces of my diarrhea based shit, know that my entire domain is dedicated to everything they have decided to ban? Not that I am senselessly attacking individuals, unprovoked. But, how can these people not know their biggest customer, the guys that bring them the most web traffic, have a mission statement which entirely contradicts their new policies? We are talking about, the biggest and the best personalities on Weebly, and they are now, trying to forcefully make us submit to their underdeveloped frontal lobe ways? Fuck no, and fuck you, Weebly. I've been blogging long before the employee, whom wrote this policy, has even existed. Are you happy, Weebly? You are now targeted. You will be attacked. This will not stand, for today, is a day, that will live in infamy. November 8th, 2017, The For the Boys, Boys were ambushed viciously and without remorse. We will do, what we can, in the days to come, in order to quell this attempted invasion and to suppress the stupidity. Expect an investigation to follow, Kifo now has more important things to do, like set up a sting operation involving Weebly and interviewing whoever picks up the customer support line when I call. Comments are closed.
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April 2018