a blog by Brian Hollywood goes from bad to worse. Yesterday, Anthony Rapp, former child star on the theatre production, "Rent", revealed that Kevin Spacey attempted sexual advances on him when he was 14. It was a bit surprising to find out Kevin Spacey might be a pedophile. My conscience and resume told me not to say anything about this, but of course I simply can't do that. There are a lot of disgusting things that living beings do to each other. Murder, blackmail, cat-fishing, infidelity, name a fictional alternate dimension "The Upside Down", torture, slavery, vampirism, communism, socialism, liberalism, not hire them for jobs they clearly deserve, but not all crime is committed on equal levels of debauchery. Rape is on a level, of which it is nearly the exact inverse of what mentally healthy people strive for, of its own. Smoking weed, injecting heroine, snorting some white substances, and even alcohol is not for everyone. Yet, nearly everyone, except for those who hold god too close to their penis/vaginal cavity, has sex to give them pleasure, relaxation, spiritual connection, or whatever an orgasm may give you. Now I don't believe to understand the plight of sexual assault victims, but I imagine that an experience, as such, would take away any of the aforementioned special remedies that sex provides, if not forever, then for at least a large extended period of time. Taking that to another level, would be the case presented before us. I don't care to provide a pseudo-court room indictment on whether this actually happened or not. If it did happen, which I am somewhat compelled to believe because of the statement made by Spacey, then there is another thing that Alex Jones may have been somewhat correct about. This is not a conspiracy theory. Now that all this news has broken on the big fish in this small perverted pond, hopefully we actually see the extent of this behavior in one of the heralded, great American Industries, Hollywood. So far we've seen so much smoke that is impossible to deny the raging fire that is public relations and out of court settlements which is entertainment culture. Do I think the reason celebrities trials are tirelessly covered by the media is because the people want to see it? Yes, but I also think (or am starting to) that apart of being a powerful bastion in the entertainment industry inevitably means taking on court cases. Of course that statement is only true in terms of mathematical percentage, one that I would contend is extraordinarily high. Take a look at the accusers story. From Buzzfeed News: "Spacey invited him to attend a party he was hosting a few days later at his Manhattan apartment... When he arrived at Spacey's apartment, Rapp quickly realized that he was the only nonadult there — which, again, did not worry him, since he so often had found himself in similar situations as a child actor. The bigger issue: 'I didn't know anyone,' he said. 'And I was quickly kind of bored.' Rapp said he ended up wandering into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, and watching TV well past midnight" If you wish to read the whole story, click on the Buzzfeed link. Normally, I would never suggest a horrible thing but this is one of their few stories which happen to matter. Read where he was, a 14 year old boy, at crowded party filled with adults. As he states, he was the only child there. This statement screams a problem far too large for even I to comprehend. No adult thought it was odd that a 14 year old child was roaming around drugs and alcohol? No one thought it was odd, there were no other children to be seen? Let me make something clear, there is nothing worse for someone on drugs or doing drugs to see than a child. It will freak you out, imagine dropping a tab of acid, swallowing some shrooms, grinding your teeth to some ecstacy, or knotting off your requiem for a dream and seeing a 14 year old forty feet from you, staring. Staring a confusing stare, one that begged for some sort of explanation. I am sure we could all come up with a detailed plan of what we would do in such a situation, seeing an out of place child at a party, but none of that matters. What matters is there were people at this party aware of this child, and I am positive a few people at that party were aware, or witnessed, this child walk into Kevin Spacey's bedroom. What other sign must you need? *I don't want to say it but IT FEELS like someone was at least complacent. If you can notice someone is out of place, in terms of age at a celebrity drug party (or at any party, of any kind, maybe not High School because everyone shouldn't be there), then something is wrong and clearly, since I am writing this blog, I couldn't just let that slip in and out of my mind. On top of that, we all know, I am not the most morality based person on the internet. I don't have a high standard for what I deem to be correct behavior, just look at the shit I write. So I can't be the only person who sees the extreme error or complacency of these "adults".* With all the news breaking in the past few weeks, it screams a culture of pedophilia, now obviously, this is speculation and I would love nothing more than hearing I am 100% wrong, yet, I doubt I am. In closing, I am in great spirits to say Fuck Kevin Spacey. Whether or not this claim reigns to be true, I will no longer attend any sort of production involving him. Which is sad, very sad for Spacey because he needs mindless drones to give him box office dollars for the absolute shit he has been putting out the past few years. I couldn't get through 25 minutes of, "House of Cards", but I do admit, I have a low tolerance for preachy, pompousness. What do you expect? I have to deal with my own every split segment of what we call time. Elvis and Nixon? I didn't even know this was a movie, let alone an absolute dumpster fire burning so bright that Rotten Tomatoes, Viacom, and 20th Century Fox had to come rushing to their rescue with a "Certified Fresh Rating", I know a lot of you fucking morons love Rotten Tomatoes and a statement on their criminal-like deception is a blog for another day. With a budget of $4 million, this "Certified Fresh" film (Quick Info Drop: Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Viacom, which owns 20th Century Fox, you do the rest of the math), it only returned a little more than $400,000 on its opening weekend. According to a few different google sources, this poop pill, grossed barely more than $1 million nationally.
So, hopefully (If this is all turns out to be true), Kevin Spacey's career is ruined by something other than his quest to find the everlasting pool of money and popularity. (I clearly want to clarify, that I only wish all of this to happen to Mr. Spacey if the accusations standing are true and not fabrication. Whether or not, it may seem like a open and shut case, it does not mean we should insert ourselves as pundits pretending that our speculation is true. I wasn't a huge fan of Kevin Spacey, but I didn't dislike him either and, in fact, I respected his acting ability. At this moment, I will stick with what I believe but that does not mean I am correct in any way). * - added as an edit after original posting. Comments are closed.
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