a blog by Iron Horse Jon and Sansa meeting with Ramsay discussing the impending battle with their foe Ramsay. Dany and Drogon wrecking shit in Meereen letting the world know whose boss. Ladies and gentlemen we might have seen the greatest episode of Game of Thrones, nay TV last night. Since we only saw 2 story lines last night I'm going to be taking my favorite parts from this episode and indulging in them with you guys a little more. Also I will be diving more into the predictions for next week as it is going to be the season finale! Let's get into it! So let's just start off where the majority of the episode happened, somewhere on a small field north of Winterfell. My favorite pieces of this episode all took place here despite Dany and her whole bad ass dragon sequence but the realism and epic-ness of this battle is unparalleled. It's got the intensity of Hardhome, the grit of Blackwater, and the heart pounding pace of Watchers on the Wall. Everything about the battle was fantastic. The pregame handshake between the leaders of each side when Jon offers Ramsay one on one combat instead of letting all these people die. This does a fantastic job of painting the picture of what our two main characters for this fight are like. Ramsay couldn't give less of a shit how many people, his side and Jon's side die just so long as he comes out on top. Then the battle actually starting to take place and in typical Ramsay fashion he has something fucked up planned. Although Sansa did basically tell Jon that Rickon was dead no matter what, Jon still fell for the bait. The battle itself doesn't even really need to be highlighted because literally every second of it was heart pounding intensity. From Jon charging after all the Bolton's himself, to Tormen tearing through common folk this battle had it all. Horses charging and running people over, and then the Carthaginian style of encirclement by the Bolton army. All leading up to Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale riding in at the last minute like Gandalf in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. This episode opens in Meereen but the parallels in these 2 places during the episode are very sly but not exactly hidden let me explain. This whole season has revolved around this narrative of the old way, and religion and all of these outdated forms of governing and ruling coming back into the fold. The faith in King's Landing, Slavery in the "free" cities, and Dany forcing Yara to denounce the old ways of the Greyjoy's, just these old ways being reverted into the modern day. The reason this episode was so fantastic was because it not only served as a bad ass episode with tons of action. It also laid out the future for arguably the 2 most important story lines in the show now. Jon Snow rising up from bastard boy sent to the wall, to the Stark man who retakes Winterfell from a usurper. All the way to Dany in Meereen effectively obliterating slavery and changing the way an entire continent operates. This season has been all about the renewal of it's most influential characters in their powerful roles. Just think about where all the "good guys" began at the beginning of this year. Jon was dead, Dany was a slave, and Arya was blind and homeless. Now look where they are at.... This is up until this point in the show at least, remember we still have 1 episode left to go... It's so important to note how this episode unfolded in terms to next week, there were a lot of parallels and callbacks to earlier episodes. For example Jon being almost buried alive by bodies was basically mirroring his fight for life earlier in the year but instead of being brought back forcefully by Melissandre. He chooses himself, that he's going to fight to stay alive and crawl his way out of this pile of dead bodies. I really didn't believe that the long night was going to start just yet but I also did read recently that Game of Thrones may be getting less episodes next season that are more like this. The show may cut down to 8 episodes because of cost and they may be longer in length each individual episode. Watch the creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff discuss the episode and how they make it the way it is we witnessed last night. Jon has solidified himself as a Stark and I believe that the conflict will now return back to the Starks and the Lannisters. The Starks hold Winterfell again, with the Knights of the Vale as their key ally (previously thought to have been allied with the Lannisters and therefore the Bolton's). This controversy will stir up another conflict extremely quickly depending upon what happens with Cersei and her trial. I'm going to guess that next episode just based off the glimpses in the previews that we see Cersei die... At the hands of the faith and that Margery will have something to do with it. Loras will most certainly die I have no doubts of that. Dany and the her friends in Meereen also will be traveling to Westeros sooner than I'd previously expected. I did not expect her to maintain so many of the slavers ships from this battle but apparently she has and therefore has her ticket to the Iron Throne... Not sure if they'll waste time keeping her in Meereen now, another thing to keep in mind is trying to figure out where Varys went. He was claiming he was going to win the queen friends in Westeros but it seems as though everyone has picked a side. My guess that would really solidify Dany's claim and the one that makes the most sense in my mind is the Dornish. They are clearly a strong people who value equality and have women in charge now as we saw at the beginning of this season. But those are just some of my speculations I'd love to hear what you guys think! 1 more episode left! Remember Winter is Coming... Comments are closed.
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