a blog by Big Red I know I have missed a couple of weeks, but its hard to find quality videos. Here is a classic COPS video, and a perfect one to get us all back into the COPS groove. The "Imma get you bitch" line might be a little far. But did anyone else notice that this guy really didn't resist the arrest. The cop grabbed this dude immediately, I'm sure if he just said "calm down, I just want to talk with you, can you take a seat". The guy would have complied, but if you come out of your cruiser hot like that, your going to startle just about anyone. I feel like all white cops just don't know how to handle an angry/tipsy black man. Best part was his taser didn't work at all. The dude goes completely unaffected by the taser, would love to see him go head to head with Allen from the hangover. Let's see if we can make this happen. The end of the video is fucked, as I went back and watched the initial transaction between this culprit and the white police officer. He barely pulls the cops hand off of him, while the cop is ripping his shirt and shoving him to the ground when the man has committed NO CRIME. Now I know the cop is doing his job, and he doesn't know what has happened yet, but in my mind this man has done NOTHING wrong. These two cops talking about what they're going to charge this guy with is bullshit. Sounds like they are just making up the story as they go, and thats fucked up. At least we have it all on tape, so we can prove this white four eyed fucking cop is lying.
6/9/2016 12:10:48 pm
What a great, fun and also dangerous officer.
6/9/2016 12:12:02 pm
SOOOOOO TRUE Comments are closed.
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