Carl's Jr. is getting shit for airing a commercial where Todd Gurley is clearly eating a CGI Burger6/12/2016
a blog by Big Red Video is attached in blog. Check out how blatantly obvious the burger he's eating is not real. Well that was clearly not a real burger. Carl's Jr. immediately started posting clips of Todd Gurley actually eating a real carl's jr. burger during the shoot, and I guess this means he just does not know how to eat a burger like a man. Maybe every time they went to start filming, Gurley had no idea how to take a "sexy" bite of double cheeseburger. Either way, this is not a good look for Carl's Jr. In my mind, I'm thinking, "These burgers must be so shitty their spokesmen don't even want to eat them. But then again, I've never had Carl's Jr. either.
So Far the video has nearly 1000 dislikes on youtube, and WAY too many comments giving Carl's Jr. shit about using CGI. A few examples, ""That CGI burger is as inflated as your prices" "Feel free to send me some burgers at my email. Thank you. Also save them in photoshop so I can eat them at a higher res! Thanks!" Comments are closed.
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