a blog by La Kifo Today is a day for the moderately obese to the morbidly obese to celebrate, McDonald's just opened a location in Sydney, Australia that will only serve fries. Esquire: It's almost like McDonald's has taken an Inception-level look inside our dreams because the chain has brought to life an idea we've been lusting over for a very long time. With the opening of a new location in Sydney, Australia, the Golden Arches is ushering in a totally new concept: a restaurant that only serves fries. Jo Feeney, director of marketing, McDonald's Australia, told PopSugar: "Since we first opened our doors customers have loved our Macca's fries — they're one of our icons and we think they deserve to be celebrated. What better way to do that than to create a dedicated concept store, which allows Australians to help us decide what's next for our French fries? I can't wait to see the flavor experiments customers try when they come to Fries With That." Words cannot describe how amazing this is. It sucks that its in Australia but this is such a great idea, I can't believe they didn't do this five years ago. I don't have enough hands to count the amount of times I got a meal deal just to snag them fries. McDonald's fries are top of the game, the only problem is the consistency. That shouldn't be a problem for a restaurant whose sole purpose is to sell fries.
Without further ado, here are the power rankings of fries I have never tasted. 1. Pesto Mayo & Parmesan, this is a toss up for me, mainly because I have never tasted any of this shit. Also, I have no clue what Peri Peri is, and I don't understand what the flavor would be for the Steph Curry fries. Just going to have to toss up the Pesto Mayo & Parm at #1, it's something I am familiar with, something I know will taste good. 2. Caesar Sauce Bacon & Parmesan, those words put together sound like heaven in a paper container. Had to put this at #2, after my recent revelation that Caesar's main ingredient is anchovies. Fuck anchovies, have never had them but I can guess they taste like ass. 3. Curry, how can you go against the first unanimous NBA MVP? 4. Chipotle Cheese Sauce, I would have put this guy higher but Chipotle sauce is so relative these days. Chipotle mayo is trash, and Chipotle sauce in general sucks. When I think of Chipotle sauce, I think of the seasoned meats at Chipotle, not the gross Kraft Mayo bottles. If they can duplicate the REAL Chipotle seasoning, then this flavor is the underdog. 5. Sweet Chili & Sour Cream, this flavor could also be the underdog. It all depends on the taste quality of the Chili. There is nothing better than dipping bread, fries, chips into chunky soup like food. One of my favorite things to do, is grab some premade pulled pork, cook it up in the microwave and use it as a personal dippage for a football Sunday. I imagine this could be very similar if done right, it could also be puke worthy if done wrong. 6. Gravy, this is some sort of foriegn thing. I am pretty sure a lot of Brits, and other European types love to do this. I for one, really do not understand it. Gravy is meant for turkey, chicken, and mashed potatoes. I can only imagine, Gravy would ruin a perfectly good plate of fries so they are an absolute no for me. There it is, power rankings for the new Australian McDonald's that will hopefully spread across the world. Let us know your power rankings in the comments or tweet at us. Comments are closed.
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