a blog by La Kifo In a great week for reveal trailers, EA has officially confirmed their new first person shooter project Battlefield 1. The trailer was released today and wow. You have to watch it. Unbelievable, this is just about as real as animation looks. I never really liked the Battlefield games, the gameplay was supposed to revolutionary and realistic. I didn't think so, I preferred Call of Duty but honestly they were very similar.
This game might change my opinion. The recent installments of Call of Duty were really poor when it came to online play, other than Advanced Warfare my recent favorite. So if Battlefield 1 can offer good online play, then I will be all aboard the battlefield wagon. A problem here is that this trailer is 100% cinematic. They do not show any real gameplay in the trailer. It's concerning because developers and studios have been making beautiful cinematic trailers and cut scenes for the past 5 years. The cinematic cut scenes and trailers don't necessarily have any bearing on the in game graphics. The really cool thing about this game is they are going back to WWI as a setting. Also we were shown the Red Baron and his famous red plane, which means we will be able to play as him. If you think about Battlefields infamous environment bending engine and the environment of World War I, it should be a hell of a game. Especially if they have serious flight battles. Battlefield 1 is set to hit stores October 18th, you can pre-order you're copy today or if you don't like giving people you're money for an unfinished product you can wait the 5 months. Either way I will be getting my copy soon. Comments are closed.
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